Sunday, April 21, 2019

How to Become Fit without Gym or any Medicines?

Do you want to become Fit from Fat?
Even without Exercise or Medicines?
Then this article is going to be very useful for you 😊

              In this very fast life most of people facing one common problem. And you already know that problem is Heavy weight. High fat and cholesterol in our body. And Because of heavy work load and competition in business and jobs we are not getting much time for going to gym or exercise at home. No one like fatty or bad shaped body build up but lack of time we just can't do much for ourselves

But do you know We can still be in shape without exercise or any harmful medicines?

          Yes, You read it right. we have some solution for you to be in shape without hard exercise or medicines. You just have to follow only two points I've stated below.

  • Timings and Quantity of FOOD consumption.
  • Water.
                You Just Have to Follow this two points properly. It is really effective.

Timing Of Food consumption.

Timing and quantity for food matters the most for body fitness.
Your timing should be almost same for everyday.

What About quantity of every meal?

Quantity of every meal should be like this:

Breakfast : High Quantity of food you should consume for breakfast. The reason behind this is that most of people have to do hard work in between time of 7.00 A.M. to 3.00 P.M. so food can be digest perfectly and left fat from food will be very low. One more benefit of having heavy breakfast is for our BRAIN. Yes, you read it right. Your brain will be more active and sharp if you had good breakfast.

Lunch : For lunch your meal should not be as high as breakfast. And also should not be very low. Food consumption for lunch should me medium. Because your hard work will be lower than morning time. But still you may have some work so your lunch should now be very low.

Dinner : Now lets talk about dinner. Generally most of people does not have to do any type of work. Some people take a little walk after dinner but most of people now days sit in front of television or just go to bed after dinner. So, digestion of dinner is usually very low and  that's why fat gets place in our body. So, what to do now?
Answer is very easy, eat very less at night. And your food for dinner should be very lite which can be digest very fast. For example, you can eat various type of fruits or fresh fruit juices, khichdi, etc.

This was all about food and now lets take a look on What water can do.


What to do with water?

          Very simple things to do with water to lose weight. Drink as much water as you can. Water has too many benefits for our body, skin ans muscles. 

Everyday you must drink WARM WATER at least 3-4 times a day. Warm water helps a lot in burning body fat very fast.

Some Other Benefits of Water

  • Keeps your body hydrated.
  • Skin problems will be lower.
  • Skin will get glow.
  • Excessive oil from skin will be removed with help of drinking water in high quantity.
  • Body temperature will be balanced even in very hot weather.


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