Thursday, April 25, 2019

Live like a Lion.

Take the risk.

Can you get anything for free in this life? 
No, Anything you get already comes with some efforts. Everything takes some time, some money, some thinking nothing is free in this life. And nothing is easy. 

To get something you have to push some efforts. You have to take some risks. If you afraid to take risks then you may lose the chance. You may lose the opportunity to succes. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Make your dream a Goal.

             Dreams are useless until you utilize them. You think deeply about it, and you turn yor dreams itno your GOALS. 

Everything is about Money.

Life without Love.

Can you imagine your life without Love? 

I'm sure everyone's answer is big NO

Everyone needs love, everyone needs warmth, love boosts your life in different level. 

Life can be very hard and very depressive without someone's love. 

Best Revenge is Massive Success.

Do you want to take revenge for anything with anyone? 

Than be focused on your goal. Work hard and achieve massive success. 

Monday, April 22, 2019

Television life is very different from real life.

Whatever you see on television is completely scripted. They work in television for money, they sleep in television for money, byt everything is scripted for money. Everything is Acting. 

In real Life we have to leave coffee shop and go to Job for our survival, for money.

Work with Passion.

Work hard until your bank balance look like a phone number.


Everything we do in life is start with dreaming about that. 1st part of any project is dreaming. If you can't dream of anything you can't do anything.

After all, is a form of planning.

Life is a Game.

Life is a Game.

Yes, that's right. but every game has the result like win or loss.
But how to count score of Game of Life?

By Money. Yes, only money is the score that can show you How well you played the Game of Life.


Think before whatever you do.

Think before whatever you do, whatever you say.
Because life is like a loop. everything can be back to you with same you did.
If you say soft word, you may hear soft word.
If you use harsh words, it can be more harsh to you.
You will have to face everything you do at anytime, anywhere.

Be Kind...Spread the Love...

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Signs you are losing your hair and what to do about it

Signs you are losing your hair and what to do about it

Did you know that we have approximately 120,000 to 150,000 hair follicles on our scalp when we are born?
Each is able to produce hair for an average of 25 cycles throughout our life when the hair follicles are kept healthy and not damaged.
For example, some hair fall when you're shampooing your hair or combing your locks is to be expected. Losing 50 to 100 strands of hair a day is totally normal and no cause for alarm.
However, a change in hormones, improper diet, stress, genetics, vitamin deficiencies, illness, and even bleaching or perming can cause hair thinning.
Diseases more common to women, such as thyroid disease, autoimmune illness, iron deficiency and lupus, are also culprits that contribute to hair loss.
Oral contraceptives can also contribute to hair loss due to the hormones in birth control that suppress ovulation.
But when is it actually time to worry? Here are the top signs of thinning hair and what you can do about it.
If your hair falls in strands, you have nothing to worry about. However, if you notice that your hair is falling off in clumps when you run your fingers through it or brush it, it's likely a bad sign.
Keep a lookout for any bald patches on your scalp as these two signs are usually related. Other signs include an increased amount of hair falling in the shower after shampooing or even on your pillow case.
As hair thinning occurs gradually and not overnight, a decrease in hair volume is generally tricky to spot because we regularly touch our hair each time we shampoo.
If you start to notice that your scalp is becoming more visible at the hairline around your face or at your hair parting, that could also indicate that your hair might be thinning.
A number of reasons could lead to this, including frequent combing which can result in accelerated hair fall, as well as excessive pressure on your scalp along your hair parting from long hours of tying your hair up into a tight ponytail or hair bun.
Those with longer hair, pay attention to the thickness of your ponytail or hair bun - notice if your ponytail is getting thinner or your hair bun is getting smaller (and thus needing more twists of your hair elastic). How tight your ponytail is fastened and how heavy your hair is can also contribute to hair thinning.
What to do to prevent thinning hair
Avoid tight hairstyles such as braids, buns or ponytails, as they tug at the hair follicles over long periods of time and gradually weaken and damage them.
You can also use a wide-toothed detangling comb as it is less likely to yank at your hair and cause breakage and damage to hair follicles.
Keep heat styling and harsh chemical processes to a minimum. These can affect the health of your scalp and hair follicles and cause premature hair thinning.
Lastly, protect your scalp like you would your skin. Use an umbrella when you are outdoors and if possible, apply a UV-protecting mist on your hair and scalp to shield it from harmful UV rays and free radicals.

How to Become Fit without Gym or any Medicines?

Do you want to become Fit from Fat?
Even without Exercise or Medicines?
Then this article is going to be very useful for you 😊

              In this very fast life most of people facing one common problem. And you already know that problem is Heavy weight. High fat and cholesterol in our body. And Because of heavy work load and competition in business and jobs we are not getting much time for going to gym or exercise at home. No one like fatty or bad shaped body build up but lack of time we just can't do much for ourselves

But do you know We can still be in shape without exercise or any harmful medicines?

          Yes, You read it right. we have some solution for you to be in shape without hard exercise or medicines. You just have to follow only two points I've stated below.

  • Timings and Quantity of FOOD consumption.
  • Water.
                You Just Have to Follow this two points properly. It is really effective.

Timing Of Food consumption.

Timing and quantity for food matters the most for body fitness.
Your timing should be almost same for everyday.

What About quantity of every meal?

Quantity of every meal should be like this:

Breakfast : High Quantity of food you should consume for breakfast. The reason behind this is that most of people have to do hard work in between time of 7.00 A.M. to 3.00 P.M. so food can be digest perfectly and left fat from food will be very low. One more benefit of having heavy breakfast is for our BRAIN. Yes, you read it right. Your brain will be more active and sharp if you had good breakfast.

Lunch : For lunch your meal should not be as high as breakfast. And also should not be very low. Food consumption for lunch should me medium. Because your hard work will be lower than morning time. But still you may have some work so your lunch should now be very low.

Dinner : Now lets talk about dinner. Generally most of people does not have to do any type of work. Some people take a little walk after dinner but most of people now days sit in front of television or just go to bed after dinner. So, digestion of dinner is usually very low and  that's why fat gets place in our body. So, what to do now?
Answer is very easy, eat very less at night. And your food for dinner should be very lite which can be digest very fast. For example, you can eat various type of fruits or fresh fruit juices, khichdi, etc.

This was all about food and now lets take a look on What water can do.


What to do with water?

          Very simple things to do with water to lose weight. Drink as much water as you can. Water has too many benefits for our body, skin ans muscles. 

Everyday you must drink WARM WATER at least 3-4 times a day. Warm water helps a lot in burning body fat very fast.

Some Other Benefits of Water

  • Keeps your body hydrated.
  • Skin problems will be lower.
  • Skin will get glow.
  • Excessive oil from skin will be removed with help of drinking water in high quantity.
  • Body temperature will be balanced even in very hot weather.